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Could not insert search results


SQL Error : 1062 Duplicate entry '1752634574' for key 'PRIMARY'

INSERT INTO phpbb_Alfa_search_results (search_id, session_id, search_time, search_array) VALUES(1752634574, 'ebada1188a46fe91e64bbefc20bf8b0f', 1716277550, 'a:7:{s:14:"search_results";s:1454:"28249, 28250, 28253, 28255, 28272, 28275, 28303, 28316, 28336, 28338, 28357, 28366, 28421, 28499, 28533, 28559, 28591, 28909, 29124, 29143, 29401, 29418, 29419, 29520, 30052, 30055, 30071, 30086, 30287, 30291, 30315, 30316, 30318, 30329, 30374, 30648, 30656, 30661, 30676, 30688, 30716, 30722, 30723, 30724, 30739, 31704, 31774, 32759, 32856, 32886, 32887, 32973, 33154, 33162, 33168, 33211, 33249, 33254, 33255, 33346, 33436, 33437, 33441, 33443, 33454, 33565, 33568, 33575, 33576, 33585, 33595, 33598, 33599, 33620, 33646, 33649, 33653, 33660, 33661, 33667, 33668, 33689, 33693, 33694, 33725, 33726, 33766, 33780, 33791, 33808, 34016, 34017, 34155, 34177, 34178, 34190, 34230, 34231, 34256, 34278, 34279, 34349, 34368, 34370, 34391, 34392, 34401, 34444, 34445, 34446, 34451, 34460, 34461, 34475, 34496, 34503, 34522, 34523, 34525, 34527, 34557, 34562, 34563, 34565, 34567, 34582, 34583, 34590, 34591, 34600, 34618, 34619, 34622, 34623, 34626, 34652, 34662, 34666, 34673, 34676, 34733, 34798, 34803, 34862, 34969, 35010, 35014, 35043, 35067, 35202, 35425, 35513, 35516, 35625, 35640, 35650, 35689, 35690, 35718, 35740, 35750, 35753, 35757, 35764, 35776, 35805, 35808, 36109, 36136, 36167, 36203, 36212, 36270, 36352, 36430, 36445, 36461, 36505, 36512, 36513, 36516, 36534, 36650, 36747, 36748, 37030, 37296, 37297, 37298, 37365, 37937, 37938, 39208, 39209, 39210, 39211, 39220, 39221, 39229, 39523, 39524, 39525, 39532, 39534, 39963, 39964, 39972, 39974";s:17:"total_match_count";i:208;s:12:"split_search";N;s:7:"sort_by";i:0;s:8:"sort_dir";s:4:"DESC";s:12:"show_results";s:5:"posts";s:12:"return_chars";i:200;}')

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File : search.php